A Different Kind of Mentor

I am very grateful for the launch of my new website and also for my own mentoring program. It is a moment of validation of the transformations I have undergone in recent years, both professionally and personally. A significant accumulation of experiences gathered over more than 22 years of professional experience helps me to add value to young people eager to become independent and develop innovative projects in which they believe, and which our entrepreneurial ecosystem desperately needs.

But it’s not just about my professional experience; it’s largely about the calling I have for this type of activity, a “sacred contract” that I have undertaken—to help people who want to develop important things, with passion and determination, with and for people.

Why a “different kind of mentor”? Because in a world of appearances, of human behavior reacting to external influences, of exaggerated competition between people without reason and limits, of results achieved quickly and by any means, I continue to cultivate values and maintain a sincere, open, and constructive approach with those I work with, whom I believe I will decisively influence in their professional and personal development.

I am a proponent of the idea of teamwork, partnership, and association among people with common values and aspirations. I share this belief with every opportunity I get and strongly believe in things done in teams, with and for people. In my opinion, projects that bring together people with only a material goal are not sustainable. Material drive is important in any initiative, but it is not enough!

I believe in the formation of a new class of honest leaders, with vision, experience, and values that attract people and harmonize teams, structures, and partnerships; honest and dedicated leaders who do not easily copy imported models from abroad.

The experiences of recent years have reinforced my belief that “Investing in people and in lasting relationships is by far the most important investment we can make in life.” It is one of the principles that guide me in business and in life in general.

Thank you to the friends who are close to me and who have influenced me on this path, and there are many ☺.

Thank you to the partners who have helped me in this process of professional evolution and beyond:





@Cluj Hub




@IFB Finwest

@Ugears Romania 



@Noi Antreprenori






@Transilvania Angels Network

@HotPixel Studio

Last but not least, I would like to thank my friends and partners, Ana from the web design agency Uny and Flaviu from HostRiver, who made the launch of this site possible.

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